Thank you for offering your support to Church of the Ascension in Port Perry. There are a number of ways you can contribute to our ministry and life.
Simply click on this link and follow the directions to make a donation online. You will be receipted directly through CanadaHelps.
You can make a donation with cash or cheque. If by cheque, please make it out to "Church of the Ascension". If you would like your donation to go to a specific ministry or program, please note that directly on the cheque or with a note attached to it.
Your donation can be mailed to:(please do not mail cash)
Church of the Ascension
266 North Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1B7
dropped off at our church office through the mail slot
placed in the offering plate at the back of the church
If you would like to become a regular contributing member of the parish and would find it helpful to do so by authorizing a particular amount to be transferred from your bank account to the church directly each month, here is how. The program is administered by The United Church.
The following information should be emailed to:
a. Your name and email address
b. PAG Congregation #405 1185 Church of the Ascension Port Perry
c. Amount of monthly donation you wish to make
d. A photo or scanned copy of your void cheque for the account you want debited
Contact to:
· To change your level of support
· Pause for any length of time
· Cancel
Remember to include the information in items a. & b. above.
You can always contact a Warden for assistance or to enroll without using a computer.