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Thanksgiving is a season for “giving thanks” for all the blessings we have
been given throughout the year. And during the past year, we have
received many.

As we continue to recover from COVID, we have seen attendance at
Sunday service increasing, and our choir is back to growing once again.
Bible study on Wednesdays is bursting at the Perry Room seams, while a
Grief Support group has begun meeting, so that those of us experiencing
this emotion can process our feelings. And, of course, there are Sunday
Coffees and Lemonades, Kitchen Parties, Ice Cream Socials, and the up-
coming Christmas Bazaar.

But the Church faces financial challenges as well. Inflation in the cost of
utilities, repairs, and office administration means that while our income
has remained steady, our costs are increasing.

That is why we are asking you to prayerfully consider a Thanksgiving
offering to your church this year. And if a financial offering is not possible at this time, your
prayers are equally valuable.

Offering envelopes are available in the Narthex of the church this Sunday and next.  You can also make a one-time donation online if that is easier by visiting our page at CanadaHelps - Click Here

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.
From your Wardens,
Glynnice Avery
Aeneas Lane
Occo van Tijn