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I cannot express my gratitude enough for another successful fundraising effort for the Coldest Night of the Year! The Flying Ascenders have earned $3000 so far, but there are still a few cheques and cash which haven’t been included yet.

And North House, which had a goal of $35,000 stands at $42,729 today. It is so impressive how each donation, no matter how big or small, when included with all the others, adds up to an impressive amount.

A sincere thank you to all who came out to walk. It might not have been THE coldest night, but it was nippy enough.  However good conversation made the walk pass by effortlessly, and the potluck dinner at Ruthanne’s was very welcome
indeed. Thank you everyone. 


 To learn more about what North House does and where your money will be used, Click Here

~ Susan Van Tijn