Summer is now officially upon us!  And we hope you have a lovely summer, wherever you may be.

Ruthanne's Holidays & Emergency Contact

Ruthanne is away now until August 1st. 

If you have an urgent need please contact one of the wardens.  Glynnice Avery can be reached at 289-356-3372 or at  If a priest is needed, the wardens have a list of available local clergy.  If a pastoral visit is needed, the wardens will reach out to the pastoral care team.

Sunday Services in July

June 25th - Morning Prayer with Anne Lane

July 2 - Eucharist with The Rev. Canon Anthony Jemmott

July 9th - Eucharist with The Rev. Canon Anthony Jemmott

July 16th - Eucharist with The Rev. Catherine Desloges

July 23rd - Eucharist with The Rev. Catherine Desloges

July 30th - Morning Prayer with Anne Lane