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As is our custom this time of year, we are asking parishioners, according to their ability, to conisder a Thanksgiving Offering to the church.  

As part of our stewardship drive, we start by holding a Financial Town Hall this coming Sunday.  This is an opportunity for you to hear from your wardens and treasurer regarding our finances.  It is a chance for you to ask questions and to ponder with us how to be good stewards of the resources we've been blessed with.

This Sunday, Thanksgiving Sunday and the following Sunday special offering envelops will be available.

For those of you who use CanadaHelps as a way of making your donation, we invite you to consider switching to pre-authorized payments (PAG).  CanadaHelps is a convient way to make a donation to the church, but they take 3-4% from our offerings to cover their own costs.  A PAG offering enables us to recieve your whole donation.  For more information please speak to one of the wardens or to our envelop secretary, Pat Hasler.  A brochure regarding how to share financially with the church is available in the narthex.  Or visit our webpage for more info: Click Here

However you give and whatever you give - whether financially, in volunteer hours, through faithful prayer - we are grateful for the many gifts we share in this parish.  So, thank you!  And may you know the blessings of this season of gratitude.