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Brian McLaren "engages with the catastrophic failure of both our religious and political leaders to address the dominant realities of our time: ecological overshoot, economic injustice, and the increasing likelihood of civilizational collapse" in this provocative and honest book.  

If that doesn't grab your attention, perhaps the fact that he doesn't end with a doom and gloom scenario, but takes us, as readers and conversation partners to a place of hope and resilience.  

As many of us feel utterly overwhelmed by the bad news in our world and often confused about which narrative to believe, and as people who want to follow the loving heart of Jesus, we are invited to engage in conversations like this that move us to places where we can all find life again.  It won't be an easy conversation, but it will be one that helps us move beyond despair and apathy to hope, compassion and meaningful action.

The book is available from most book sellers and in most formats.  If the cost in prohibitive, please be in touch directly with Ruthanne ( as we'd like to make this accessible to everyone who'd like to be involved.

The book group will begin to meet in late September at a time that is agreed upon by most of those interested.  More to come in late August!!