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Who doesn't love a church recipe book?  Who doesn't want to know what Mable is cooking in her kitchen?  Who wouldn't be interested in Oliver's famous pecan pie recipe?

We all have a favourite recipe or two and we want you to share them with us so we can put a "Church of Ascension" Recipe book together.  The plan is to collect your recipes by Thanksgiving and have the book ready to sell by the Christmas Bazaar.  A perfect gift for the foodie in the family!

Recipes can be received via email (preferred) or by hand. 

If by email send to: and put in the subject header “Recipe”

If by hand please give to Aeneas Lane or place in the Warden’s mailslot in the photocopy room.

Categories will include: Breakfasts, Snacks, Salads, Dinners (for one or more), Cocktails, Mocktails, Gluten-free, Desserts

Your recipe should include the following:

A Title & Your Name

Ingredients in common measurements (i.e. tsps & tbls, cups)

Easy to follow instructions.

And if you want - a small anecdote, funny saying or joke (though we cannot promise to print everything!).

Deadline is September 30th