On December 13th in the afternoon we will be hosting a virtual Carol Sing. You have a chance to suggest your favourites as we develop that service. Have a look through Common Praise and let Liz know what you'd like to sing! Be sure to send your requests prior to SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22ND!
Hymns 88 - 162 are Advent and Christmas Hymns. Click Here to Look at the Titles
Email Liz at: elizabethlambert416@gmail.com
Starting the first week of Advent, there will be a weekly meditation available to the parish. This will explore the traditional themes of advent - Hope, Peace, Love, Joy - using contemporary writings, prayers and art. You will be invited to express your own thoughts and questions through art or writing. A weekly Zoom gathering will be offered for those who want to share their journey with others.
If you are interested in participating, please let Ruthanne know so she can email you directly.
The meditaitons will be put on the website each week.
We are, of course, planning Christmas services, but we are aware that provincial and/or diocesan guidelines for gathering can change at any moment. We will keep you updated as we are updated. For now, these are our plans.
We are collaborating with the United Church to offer a virtual service for those who are grieving or find Christmas a difficult time. Information will be sent out to the parish when available.
As usual, each will be limited to 25 people. The services will be the same for both the 4 pm & 7 pm - a traditional Eucharist. People will be asked to register ahead of time and that registration will be made available a couple of weeks prior.
Volunteers get seating without registering!!
Please volunteer for the following and you (and your partner) will be guaranteed a seat.
One Reader - email Ruthanne ruthanne@ascensionportperry.com
One Interecessor - email Ruthanne ruthanne@ascensionportperry.com
Two Sidespeople - email Nora Symington norasymington@yahoo.com
This is so that our faithful and hardworking cleaning teams are not worn out! We are grateful for their help to allow us to hold two services on Christmas Eve, if circumstances permit.