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There is nothing like the January cold snaps to make one reflect on how wonderful it is to have a warm house to come home to, cozy jackets and boots to wear and a meal waiting for us at the end of the day.  But this isn’t the reality for a lot of people, even here in North Durham.  This is why each year the Church of the Ascension has joined with hundreds of other people across Canada to walk for homelessness on The Coldest Night of the Year.  The date this year is Saturday, February 22nd and we usually walk around 5 p.m.


Join us, either by signing up for the walk and gathering pledges, or by donating to the team or one of the walkers in our group.  As usual, we are fundraising for North House in particular. They are planning to use the money to buy a van so that they can help transport clients to and from appointments, move furniture, deliver food and other necessities and much more! 

Typically the more energetic participants walk 5 kilometres, but there is a group who choose to do the one kilometre walk. Afterwards we gather in the Rectory for a potluck dinner and to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.  Potluck sign-up will happen in February.

If you are donating:

To donate or sign up as a walker Click Here!  And click on the link "Donate to Team"

If you are walking:

To sign up online  Click Here  And click on the link "Join the Team"

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.  

~ Susan van Tijn, 905-263-4620 or