Please find below under "Downloads" this year's Vestry Report.
Vestry will be held on Sunday February 23rd immediately following the Sunday morning service. Light refreshments will be provided. We invite everyone to read through the Vestry Report prior to this meeting as the reports will not be read out during the meeting.
You will note one new item on our agenda - Community Conversation - Reflecting and Listening. We will take a few minutes as we look over past year to simply consider the following questions:
What has gone well for our community this past year? What are you particularly grateful for?
What impact do you think the church can have on our local community and on the world?
What challenges for the church are top of mind for you?
What dreams do you have as we look towards our shared future?
As I've mentioned a few times, we'll be setting the church up "in the round" for both our service and meeting this particular Sunday. Not as a change moving forward, but simply to help us navigate our shared conversation and remind us that we are "in all of this together".
I'm looking forward to our Vestry Meeting this year. We have much to be thankful for and that allows us to navigate the real challenges that all worshipping communities are facing with hope and grace.
A reminder: if you'd like a hard copy of the vestry report please let Ruthanne know ( or leave a message at 905-985-7278