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This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of Christ.  We invite you to join us online for our service of readings, prayer, music and reflection.  The service will be available on our YouTube channel as of 10 am on Sunday morning.

Click Here to go to YouTube Channel

If you would like to participate by using the responses, prayers and hymns, please download and use the order of service which you can find below entitled "Sunday January 10th - Baptism of Our Lord - Order of Service"

This Week's Announcements

Zoom Bible Study - Bible Study will start this Wednesday at 10 am via Zoom.  If you'd like to join us please email Ruthanne ( so she can send you the link.  All are welcome.  We will be looking at the readings each week for the following Sunday.

Readers Needed - If you are comfortable doing so, we'd appreciate having readers for our recording of the service while we are in lock down.  You would have to still wear a mask while you are reading.  We are recording on Friday mornings or Saturday mornings.  Please let Ruthanne know if you are interested.

Special Thank You - To the Chancel Guild and all those who helped to make our sanctuary look so lovely during Advent and Christmas.  Your creativity and generosity is a gift to us all.

The church office may be closed, but our priest is available - A reminder that our church building is closed and we ask people not to come in and out except for essential reasons.  Our priest Ruthanne is working primarily from home, as ordered by the Diocese.  She is available, however, if you would like a phone call or to meet via Zoom.  An in person visit is allowed only in emergency or urgent situations. You can email her at: or leave a voicemail at: 416-576-7480.  Ruthanne will be working Monday - Friday and taking Saturday and Sunday off during lockdown.