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Order of Service Sunday February 7th - 5th Sunday of Epiphany








Opening Hymn - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.  CP #393

1 Immortal, invisible, God only wise,

in light inaccessible, hid from our eyes,

most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,

almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.


2 Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,

nor wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might,

thy justice like mountains high soaring above

thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.


3 To all, life thou givest, to both great and small.

In all life thou livest, the true life of all.

We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,

and wither and perish, but naught changeth thee.


4 Great God of all glory, great God of all light,

thine angels adore thee, all veiling their sight.

All praise we would render; O help us to see

‘tis only the splendor of light hideth thee.



The Grace


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.  And also with you.


Collect for Purity


Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden.  Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Collect Prayer


Lord of fierce compassion, you name the forces of death inner hearts and institutions and even in the holy places: lift us from the canopy of fear that feeds on repression and pushes away what it cannot abide; go with us to dark and lonely places where we can learn again who we are called to be; through Jesus Christ, the healer of creation.  Amen.


The Readings


Isaiah 40:21-41, Psalm 147:1-11, 20c, Mark 1:29-39


The Homily


Hymn - Healer of Our Every Ill. CP #612



Healer of our every ill,

light of each tomorrow,

give us peace beyond our fear,

and hope beyond our sorrow.


1 You who know our fears and sadness,

grace us with your peace and gladness;

Spirit of all comfort, fill our hearts. [Refrain]


2 In the pain and joy beholding

how your grace is still unfolding,

give us all your vision, God of love. [Refrain]


3 Give us strength to love each other,

every sister, every brother;

Spirit of all kindness, be our guide. [Refrain]


4 You who know each thought and feeling,

teach us all your way of healing;

Spirit of compassion, fill each heart. [Refrain]



The Prayers of the People



Confession & Absolution


Confident in the promises of God’s forgiveness and love for us, we confess the ways in which we have failed to follow the pathways of God’s love, saying:


Almighty God,

long-suffering and of great goodness:

We confess to you,

We confess with our whole heart

Our neglect and forgetfulness of your commandments,

Our wrong doing, thinking, and speaking;

the hurts we have done to others,

and the good we have left undone.

O God, forgive us, for we have sinned against you;

and raise us to newness of life;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.



May the God of love

bring us back to himself,

forgive us our sins,

and assure us of his eternal love

in Jesus Christ our Lord.





The Lord’s Prayer


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever.




Doxology and Blessing


Glory to God, whose power, working in us,

can do infinitely more

than we can ask or imagine.

Glory to God from generation to generation,

in the Church and in Christ Jesus,

forever and ever. Amen.



Closing Hymn - The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy  CP #631 (tune, Hanover)


1 The kingdom of God is justice and joy;

For Jesus restores what sin would destroy.

God's power and glory in Jesus we know;

And here and hereafter the kingdom shall grow.


2 The kingdom of God is mercy and grace;

The captives are freed, the sinners find place,

The outcast are welcomed God's banquet to share;

And hope is awakened in place of despair.


4 God's kingdom is come, the gift and the goal;

In Jesus begun, in heaven made whole.

The heirs of the kingdom shall answer his call;

And all things cry "Glory!" to God all in all.









Coffee Hour Today - With the Right Reverend Linda Nichols, Primate of Canada -Join us via Zoom at 11 am.  For Details and Zoom Link Click Here

Bible Study - Wednesday February 10th @ 10 am - Email Ruthanne if you'd like the link to join us. (Please note there will be no Bible Study on Feb. 17th as there will be an Ash Wednesday Service Live on Zoom that day (see below).

Pre-Vestry Town Hall via Zoom - Sunday February 14th @ 2 pm - This is your opportunity to ask questions, share your thoughts regarding the motion being brought to our Vestry on February 28th.  We will also have a look at the budget for the coming year.  Knowing that Zoom meetings are difficult for long and thorough conversations, we highly recommend attending this pre-Vestry meeting if you can. Click Here for more Info and Zoom Link

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday February 17th @ 11 am - Click Here for More Details