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Susan Gower informed the Outreach Committee this week that supplies at the Food Bank are severely low.  After the derecho storm on the Victoria Day Weekend they lost a lot of refrigerated products, and at the moment the shelves are looking very bare.


Let's all try to bring something to church this weekend to place in the Food Bank box in the Narthex.  At this point, almost anything is welcome but here are some suggestions:

Canned Foods: meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, pork & beans, pasta, stew, tomatoes, pasta sauce.

Other Food: apple juice, cereal, jam, white or brown sugar, salt, coffee, tea, mixes (Pudding, jelly cake), school snacks.

Other: toiletries for men and women, cleaning supplies.

And, of course, monetary donations are gratefully accepted.


And if you can't manage this weekend, the box is always waiting!