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I stumbled upon a film this past week and despite what the title led me to believe it was about, it turned out to be an inspiring and uplifting film. It was produced in 2019, but is now available to watch for free on YouTube.  It's called: "American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel". You can watch it here: Click Here to go to YouTube

You may not agree with all the theology that is shared (or you might!), but the "praxis" or practice of those in the film who endeavour to follow their faith, not only in church, but in the public square, is inspiring.  There are themes of reconciliation, renewal, the intersection of faith and politics and interesting, though hard, history noted.

I share this here, in my "How to Watch the News" post because it reminded me that there is good news to be seen, heard and shared.  There are many small faith communities living in their local communities and doing right by the gospel commandments to love their neighbours.  

This is, after all, one the best ways we can respond to what we see unfolding in our larger world community.  

As Jesus taught, it is the tiny mustard seed that grows into a large and formidable bush.  All we can really do is hold with perseverance, faith and hope the tiny seeds we've been given and then plant them with wild abandon, waiting to see what God gets up to.

I'm going to host another Zoom coffee (Zoom at the request of those who would like to be involved but are at a distance) next week and will use this film as a jumping off point for our conversation.  So ...

1. Watch the film (it's about and hour and half)

2. Email me if you'd like to be a part of the Zoom Coffee Chat and let me know which time you can attend: either Tuesday March 25th at 3 pm or Thursday March 27th at 2 pm.  We'll go with the time that works for most and I'll send out notice and the Zoom link in the Newsletter.

He said therefore, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what should I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.”  Luke 13:18,19