For as long as restrictions are placed on gathering for the health and wellbeing of our community, we will endeavour to seek out and support our community in new ways. From time to time we will share with you items that have been brought to our attention.
Please let us know of things happening around our community that we can share information about.
The Food Bank
Our food banks are under more pressure right now because of the many people who are out of work or working reduced hours. Our local food bank is also not receiving all of it's usual donations due to closures. Please consider how you might support Operation Scugog.
Food they need: (and can be dropped off Wednesdays)
Lynne McIlvride is a parishioner and local artist. Her usual practice is to hold an open house and art show over Easter Weekend. That, of course, cannot happen this year. So we share with you the online link to her show and her art, which very much has the spirit of Resurrection about it.
Support Local Business, as you can. This is also a way we love our neighbours.
The BIA of Port Perry has put out the following information sheet on local businesses and how you can access their products and services, especially if they are not able to open.
Nursing & Retirement Homes
We phoned our local nursing and retirement homes this week to tell them that we are thinking about them, praying for them and to offer whatever support we might be able to provide. We look forward to the time when we will able to visit them again - in whatever way we can - to offer songs of hope. Keep them in your prayers!
And a word of inspiration...
when the big things feel out of control.....focus on what you love right under your nose
(From: "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy). Thank you to Isabel Arculus for sharing!