Urgent request for help in finding a billet/homestay home for one of our actors!

Theatre on the Ridge is less than one week away from having several of our actors arrive to start their summer season; however, we are still in urgent need of a billet/homestay host for one of the artists. Your help in extending our reach into the community at this time would be very appreciated. 

Our billet/homestay program is invaluable for our artists and can be very rewarding for the hosts. Hosts are asked to provide the artist with a clean private bedroom and access to a bathroom and kitchen area. Hosts are not required to cook or clean for their guests and in return, receive compensation for utilities/general household expenses ($50/wk), a charitable receipt ($200/wk), and tickets to our shows. Both hosts and artists are required to complete profile questionnaires to ensure the most positive experience for both.

Our current need is for a 7 week stay starting July 7 and ending August 25. A home in central Port Perry would be ideal, but we welcome all offers. (including space in a parked RV and/or trailer.)

Please contact Carey directly at carey@theatreontheridge.ca or 905 431-0977 if you may be able to assist.